
Been a while since my last post.

Not much has changed since then.

So I’ll share a few unrelated things that I’ve thought of these past few days.

1.  Many females should no be allowed to drive. Ever. Under any circumstances.

2.  Anything Apple is just the shit man!

3. A disability I came across – chick is deaf and mute. If you want her to do anything, you have to send her an e mail, in    Afrikaans. Language aside, how did she work before e mails?

4. Had a whole bunch of people in the office yesterday. Standing close to where I sit. They were talking. I could literally feel my energy being sapped. Too many people around me – not a good thing.

5.  The more I have to do with actual humans, the more I realise that that might not be the best thing for me.

6.  I’ll be very sad to lose the spot of salary at the end of the month. I will, however, not be sad to see the end of this company. I will not be sad to not have to drive here every morning. I will not be sad to never have to deal with these managers ever again.

7.  I know how blessed I still am. Even when things are not quite as I would like them to be, I am still blessed.

8. Out of the 50 m people currently in SA only 20 odd million is credit active. Meaning the plight of the other 30 million depends on the 20 million actually earning. Not quite how it should work.

9.  My, still working, fishpond is still a source of great enjoyment to me.

10.  Winter’s only just started, and I don’t mind that it’s cold, but I’m ready for an end to all this dust and smoke!

11.  Bruce Willis rocks!


28 comments on “Tidbits…

    • I’m thinking that I should take all of them out this weekend and have a Bruce Willis marathon 😉
      I’m glad the pond is still doing it’s thing – very much so!!

    • I’m still on tenterhooks with this whole job and money thing Tess, but I have somehow got some faith that it’s all going to be just fine – either way.

  1. Ghia, I’m with everyone who celebrates the pond still working – remember the worry over that project?! Hopefully, the same will be with new income – better people, better bosses or… is there a nearby convent you could be a civilian sister to? Just a thought – grin. There are days when people so dry me out, I have to climb into a tub of hot water to rehydrate. I’m guessing you watched RED with the fabulous Bruce Willis – great film! Best ~ HuntMode

    • The pond still working is a huge accomplishment for me – one good thing I did in a long line of miserable things 🙂
      Convent. Me? Solitude I can do. Solitary confinement with only a rosary and a Bible to read – maybe not so much 😉
      And yes, RED made me fall in love with him all over again 🙂 I think that guy is a man worth knowing. Well, the character in any case 😉

  2. Everyone commented on the pond, it makes me feel like I’m just copying their comments… But anyways, it’s a great achievement! Hope it carries on working for years to come 🙂
    Not many people would be able to point out #7 so good on you and #8 just pisses me off

  3. Yes, Bruce Willis rocks 🙂

    I had a go on my brother’s Apple PC he other day. The keyboard was so weird. I couldn’t even find out how to page up and down, and this silly menu kept coming up that I didn’t want. Also, the graphics weren’t nearly as good as on my super-cheap rebuilt PC with an old-fashioned monitor and Linux operating system. Apple computers are so, so, so expensive.

    • My one and only Apple laptop experience just made me want one more 😉
      But I have an iPhone and a shuffle, so i suppose I’m sort of already a convert to the Apple stable 🙂

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