Awards time.

Since the Daily Prompt actually wants me to think on making lists – this time of a Sunday afternoon – don’t actually think so. The only lists I ever make would be shopping lists – and that only if I buy for a specific project or recipe and of course, over Christmas. Which is 7.5 months away – just as a matter of interest πŸ˜‰

So. Went out dancing last night. With T, the one that supposedly deleted me off his contact list a while ago. I did not really bother myself too much about that – we’re friends of a sort and I know sometimes people do things in the heat of the moment that they might regret later. Β I gave him the chance to repent, and it seems to have paid off.

Did not like all the tunes the DJ played – if there’s one kind of music that just does not get my feet stamping, it’s Snoop Dog and Β  that other one, is it Gang gam style or some such? That kind of music just irks me. It’s violent and loud and has no redeeming features according to me. I just endure it because, for some or other reason, the young folk likes it. And apparently, even some of the older, drunker than me, folk. Β People forcing themselves into my personal space – not so cool. But I kept my cool, and I was a good date for the evening. We had a few nice dances, and then I danced with one of the little okes there that actually dances the way I’m being taught at the moment – quite the highlight of the evening πŸ˜‰

Got home at 3am. So I slept until about 13:00 – very bad, I know. Then again – it’s not as if there is anything or anybody to keep me occupied now is there? If I want to sleep the day away, I can! alas. This means the washing won’t even be close to drying by the time the sun sets, but I had to wash – it’s been 3 weeks, so I’m running out of clothes to wear!

And now, on to the awards section of this post.

There are two.

The first one from writerchristophfisher. The Dragon’s loyalty award. Thanks Christoph – coming from you this is a great honour! I have no problem being a loyal reader of your posts – even if I can’t always afford the books you so brilliantly describe, it’s always good to keep my options open when looking for something new to add to my gorgeous phone’s reading list πŸ˜‰


The β€œrules” – if you so chose to participate – associated with receiving the award are :

1.Display the Award Certificate on your website.
DONE Β – almost.
2.Announce your win with a post and link to whoever presented your award.
did that…
3.Present 15 awards to deserving bloggers.
Not going there. I have many loyal readers, and you know who you are, but some don’t want any more awards, others are not too fussed about it – let me just thank each and every one of you for your continued support!
4.Drop them a comment to tip them off after you’ve linked them in the post.
See #3…

5.Post 7 interesting things about yourself. – yes well…

1. I’m not good with packing away clothes after they’ve been washed and folded.

2. I can see an issue coming from a mile away – but hardly ever get to avoid them!

3. I seem to like clouds best out of all nature’s bounty.

4. I have always wanted a little girl and I would have named her Morgan.

5. I would rather try and make something myself than to go and buy a ready made product.

6. I do not like going to mauls.

7. I love driving late at night.


The second award comes from Perpetua of TheSeeker. The shine on award. Quite apt this one seeing as I’ve been “shining” in blogland for the past few years and plan to continue said shining for a while still πŸ˜‰ Thanks for this award Perpetua – I appreciate the thought!

2013 shine_on from Eye Dancer

As you should know by now, I will comply with the rules of the award, if there are any, but I will not nominate other bloggers, although, and this has been said before, each and every one of us deserves some kind of award for sheer perseverance! If I’m going to have any rule at all, it would be to look to these awards, and strive to be the best you can be, and above all, to continue blogging, no matter the connection speed or power difficulty, or travel constrictions. After all. What would we be without our blogs?

The third award comes from Sarah of SarahPotterwrites. The Best moment award. Coming from you Sarah, as with the award from Christoph, I feel honoured. I mean – to have an actual writer commend me on something I wrote at the spur of the moment is nothing to be sneezed at!! This is the post she had in mind when awarding me this particular honour.

Best Moment Award, web awards, blogging awards, winners, nominations

Awarding the people who live in the moment,
The noble who write and capture the best in life,
The bold who reminded us what really mattered –
Savoring the experience of quality time.


Winners re-post this completely with their acceptance speech. This could be written or video recorded.

Winners have the privilege of awarding the next awardees! The re-post should include aΒ NEWΒ set of people/blogs worthy of the award; and winners notify them of the great news.

My acceptance speech – such as it is.

As the above states, I do live in the moment, as much as I possibly can. Sometimes the uncertainties of the future puts severe shackles on my current state of being, until I make a conscious decision to move away from the things I can’t do much about. One always has three choices – handle it, fix it or leave it. And sometimes the only way to handle something is to fix yourself. To make the shift from the negative and unsure to the more positive and certain.

In accepting this award, I can only say that being able to give words to my thoughts when they strike me has been a great help in turning some things around from negative to positive. of course, it does not always help, and might seem meaningless to the people I interact with, or even the people reading it. It is my thoughts though, and that’s the reason I write. To get my thoughts out of my head and into the open air where i can view them objectively and better make sense of it all.

Thanks for this Sarah. And thanks also for your Continued words of support and being a kindred spirit far across the blue ocean!


That it folks. Time to sort out the last load of washing and trying to make a plan with the things that’s not completely dry yet.

Hope you have a fantastic Sunday!!


17 comments on “Awards time.

  1. What a great post. Congrats on the awards from Christoph (a good friend of mine- great guy and author) and Perpetua who I find so supportive and inspirational. I love what you wrote about being out dancing and when I saw how late you were out my thought was, you must be a whole lot younger than me, lol. You go girl! Have a great day. πŸ™‚

    • I’m not a young thing by any means Paulette πŸ˜‰
      But we had a good time, just talking and catching up and dancing every so often. And then of course, we stood outside chatting some more!
      I don’t usually stay out that late when I go somewhere – people get drunk, and then I get very testy because I never do get drunk!!
      Thanks for the congrats. It’s always nice to be thanked for what you do πŸ™‚

  2. There you go, dancing and sleeping come first before chores. You got to have fund, girl. Yah, don’t you just love it when those professional writers come to your site. It’s awesome feeling. As for the awards, I believe the best award is when someone leaves a comment is the best! You rock, ghia.

  3. Congrats on the awards, and may you continue to blog for a very long time. I also love clouds, but I would never want to drive late at night, not in this country. πŸ™‚

    • Even criminals sleep AD πŸ˜‰
      They do their worst just before wake up time I think.
      But you’re right – it is getting dangerous to travel late at night, no matter how much i might like it, not something I do too often anymore…
      Thanks for the congrats πŸ˜‰

  4. Congratulations….! πŸ™‚
    “I’m not good with packing away clothes after they’ve been washed and folded.”
    Because this is probably one of the worst household jobs, I do it immediately; if only to ‘get it done’ and off my mind…! πŸ˜‰

    • As I type this I have two baskets full of stuff that I can pack away – another full of ironing.
      Gonna take me a few weeks to get all that sorted!

  5. J, hearty congratulations on the awards – the timing to your 2000th post was a lovely moment ~ πŸ™‚ Out dancing ’til 3:00 – you wild, wicked thing you! πŸ™‚ So glad to hear it – you were having a good time, otherwise you’d have left early and been safely tucked into bed – so very good news! As to the laundry – it’s the jeans that get me if I don’t fold ’em and hang ’em right away – either I have to rewash and dry or iron. I actually like ironing, I just don’t do it! Good week to you, J! Best ~ HuntMode

    • Thanks for the congrats P πŸ˜‰
      oh heavens no!! Ironing – for the birds! I once wore a little pink outfit that was sort of crinkly. Mom tells me I should go and iron it. I replied – “If you wear it with enough confidence, they think it must look that way” πŸ˜‰
      I’m not too fussed about ironing. But I don’t much like living out of baskets either so i suppose I’ll have to make a plan soonish πŸ˜‰

  6. Congratulations on all the awards – well deserved! Sounds like you had a great night, and nothing wrong with sleeping a bit later than usual!!

  7. A lovely post, and I really liked your acceptance speech. Also, congratulations on the other two awards πŸ™‚
    Staying in bed until 13.00 — now, that’s one advantage to living on your own and being able to keep your own hours πŸ˜‰

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