
Today saw me being very productive…

Got up at 7 am. Yes. 7 am on a Saturday morning. Got the first load of washing on the line and the second load almost done before i left for the dentist at 8:45. Where he surprised me by fitting the stupid crown back in it’s hole for free… It seems just when I think the lowest of humans, they do something to surprise me. Suppose that’s the way things are…

Got home, helped my BiL fix the thermostat od the stove. Now I can use the oven again. and that means I will be making meatballs! Baked in a mix of tomato sauce and chutney – just to glorious for words!!

Rest of the clothes washed and, after some re-shuffling, got everything up. Must still be taken down and folded, but I think that’s tomorrow’s problem.

Mom came and we started and finished all 4 the toiletry bags I decided to make for all the kids. I’ll buy a shower gel and roll on for each kid, and present it to them for their Christmas gift. I suppose some people will think it’s a cop out option, but truth be told, it’s completely impossible to buy any kind of gift for my sister’s kids on my current budget. And since I don’t ever spend hundreds of rands on gifts for my own children, I see no reason to do that for somebody else’s kids. They have everything their little hearts desire. Lots of PSP games, PS3 games, DVD’s, cellphones, toys – you name it they’ve got it. And I’m all for giving people stuff they can use – don’t do the fripperies too well – I would certainly appreciate a power tool much more than I would a voucher for a dress, so that’s what they’re getting from me. Problem is, all the bags look exactly the same. And that’s guaranteed to cause some kind of fight between 2 very spoilt little boys. So, the hunt started for the crayons my aunt gave me – you can draw with them on cloth, scoot a hot iron over and the design is fixed, and I found them – problem solved! Now to just draw some kind of picture and the name on the bags, and I’ll be basically done with my Christmas things – and almost no shopping involved!! And that’s always a bonus in my book, since I don’t quite like shopping at the best of times! And, since mom enjoys shopping so much, I think I can even pawn off the getting of the shower gel and things to put in the bags πŸ˜‰

Almost done – just one more ponder.

Nelson Mandela was admitted to hospital in Pretoria somewhere, ostensibly for routine tests. Well, the old man is close to 100, so I don’t suppose it’s going to be too long before we’re right in the middle of another public holiday, half mast flags and weeks and months of mourning, huge funerals – that the taxpayer will pay for. Anyhow. I was wondering if he was admitted to a state hospital? Or a private hospital? Maybe one of the state hospitals that is in the news for feeding patients rotten food…

Such bliss to live in an African country.

Do hope your Saturday has been a good one, or is turning out to be a good one πŸ˜‰

12 comments on “Success!!!

  1. What a busy lady you are. I haven’t even started to THINK about Christmas although I have my tree up. My little granddaughters decorated it for me.

    Glad the dentist finally saw the light and decided to correct the situation without penalizing the patient. About time.

    • Well, my tree is out of hiding, and on the table. Bare though – hope some or other kid will help me fix it up πŸ˜‰
      As for the dentist – it was indeed very kind of him. fact remains that I will have to fork out quite a bit next year. Was advised that the only option with this tooth will be to fit a plate, and that will cost a pretty penny – suppose he’s letting this one go for the bigger paycheque next year πŸ˜‰

  2. You were a busy bee today hey. I was also up at that ghastly hour today, but that was because I was going to get my new baby πŸ™‚
    And why would they possibly send him to a public hospital? They don’t want him to die just yet…

    • Hope you like the new baby πŸ˜‰
      As for the Old Man – nobody lives forever. The only thing that alarms me is that the shit might hit the fan should he die. And I mean really hit…

  3. Well done on the Christmas gifts. All my grandkids are so spoilt with gifts, and of course we are expected to keep up the tradition. Christmas and birthdays are such expensive occasions. 😦

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