Money, money, money…

So, it was payday today.

I got paid, and then everybody else got paid.

Now I have a house to stay in for another month.

Electricity to use for another month.

I won’t be taken to debtor’s prison just yet.

And that’s about it.

2 tanks of petrol.

1 carton of smokes.

and that’s as far as my money goes.

There is some saving going on.

Only a little mind you, but it’s there.

and then I have to wonder.

Why it is that I work the whole month.

For a little bit of money at the end of it.

Just enough to not starve,

But not enough to do anything else.

no theatre.

No magazines.

no suppers.

Not even driving somewhere.

But I have to pay my tax, and fix my car and pay fines and take out licenses.

I earn.

Yet I have nothing spare.

I am grateful for what I do earn.

At least I have something.

Is it so very wrong to want it to be slightly more though?

Is it completely mercenary?

Anyhow – I’ll manage.

Was just a thought.

maybe the Universe does listen to these little prayers…


Long days and pleasant nights to all…

Let's talk about…

What we do for our family…

I actually wanted to blog about sex, but I’ll leave that for a weekend when everybody’s more relaxed 😉

Anyhow, to get back to the things we do for our family.

It’s mom’s b day on Friday.

And she wants to have all her buddies with her, to celebrate the happy day.

I can live with that – it’s what I do every year.

I, however, either phone the buds in question, or sms them, or possibly, e mail them.

Sometimes even all 3.

And then they still don’t pitch up, but I digress…

Ok, so my sister phones me in a flat spin this morning.

Do I have a program to make cards with.

I used to, it’s probably still hiding somewhere, but I have not used it in ages.

But she wants the stuff on her machine today so she can print it today, for distribution tomorrow, with the RSVP on Thursday.

Now I’ve figured out how the paper should be printed so that you basically just fold it.

Have you any idea how to turn letters around?

I don’t…

Can lie on it’s side, but not upside down.

Know what I did?

I pasted it into paint, and rotated the picture…

And now I have a wonky PPT that my sister must print to see if it works like that.

Because I can’t print from my machine yet.

I think my mom will be very happy with the results.

She will, however, never know what effort went into creating said results.

And that’s as it should be.

It’s what you do for family…

Tuesday's tickle…

And Tuesday has dawned.

Good morning peeps!!

Hope we all had a good night’s rest, and that today holds nothing but good things.

One thing though – where has Half-Pint disappeared off to?

Halfy, if you read this, I’m worried girl!!

Please let us know if you’re all right…

And now….

For something completely different…..

Ok, not really, it’s just a joke.

And yet again, it….is…. A Blonde joke!!!

It is quite funny though, and my blonde friends, I know you guys would never fall for this kind of thing!

There we go then – another day older, and deeper in debt, to quote Ole Tom Jones.

Let’s make it a fun one peeps – in spite of ourselves!!

Blonde Phone Call

“Hi Mom, How are you?”

“Hi Sally, where are you? I thought you were with your father at the Ace 

“Yeah we were, but I got arrested, and they’ve let me make one phone call”

“What happened?”

“Oh, I punched this African-American woman in the head.”

“What on earth ~ why did you do that ?????”

“Well it wasn’t my fault.Dad told me to find a Black & Decker .”

and then I got this message from my mom last night…

The blonde asked for the pizza to be cut in 12 pieces, not only 6 – she’s very hungry…

Time for bed…

Time to let The Sandman,

take me to his castle.

Where I can play amongst the turrets,

Fly with faeries.

hide with gnomes…

Time to let my eyes grow heavy,

forgetting about the day’s woes.

Letting my body rest,

safely gathered,

In the arms of Orpheus…

To awaken to a brand new day.

Filled with endless possibilities.

Refreshed and invigorated.

Ready to face all,

With the prospect of maybe, Today…

Long days and plesant nights to all…


Knows no bounds it seems…

I’ve been working in this sucky place since the last week in November.

I’ve hated it.

Every single second of every single day was a mission.

I did not want to be here.

I persevered though – after all, it’s only for a while, is it not?

Their crunch time is next week Tuesday.

I’ll be gone by then – my part will be played at Bronk and not here.

In the time I have been here, they must have had probably about 4 meetings.

In any of which anything could be aired.

Today, after the meeting, my boss comes to me and tells me that the manager at reception has asked that I not wear jeans at reception.

I get that she does not want me to wear jeans at reception.

Truthfully, I was taking a chance.

What might have been a better way of handling this situation would have been to, oh, I don’t know, speak to me?


If you really did not want to speak to me, maybe an e mail might have worked?

What she’s done now is made me into a difficult person to work with, in front of every single effing person on the management team – both mine and the Hospital’s.

Why leave it until the last week before I leave?

Why discuss it at a management meeting, and not with me?

Why do it in any case?

I can not wait to shuck the dust from this place off my feet.

Strangely enough – the only sucky things that’s happened to me while in the new job has happened here.

This place has seriously bad mojo – and I for one will be glad to be rid of it…

Monday's mirth…

Good morning peeps!!

It’s Monday.

Seems it still happens – regardless of the wishes of us working stiffs!

Still, Monday brings us closer to the weekend again 😉

Hope you enjoy the day folks – in spite of yourself…

The Sparrow

Once upon a time there was a non-conforming sparrow who decided not to fly south for the winter. However, soon the weather turned so cold that he reluctantly decided to fly south. In a short time ice began to form on his wings and he fell to Earth in a barnyard, nearly frozen solid. A cow passed by where he had fallen, and crapped on the little sparrow.The sparrow thought it was the end, but the manure warmed him and defrosted his wings!

Warm and happy, able to breath, he started to sing.

Just then a large cat came by, and hearing the chirping he investigated the sounds. The cat cleared away the manure, found the chirping bird, and promptly ate him.

The Moral of the Story:
Everyone who craps on you is not necessarily your enemy
Everyone who gets you out of crap is not necessarily your friend.
And if you’re warm and happy in a pile of crap, you might just want to keep your mouth shut.

Frikkin hell!!

I thought I had done my post for tonight.

Have started perparations for my bath, bubbles and a book, Classic FM in the background…

so, one of the random dudes message me on Yahoo.

We’ve never met, only ever chatted on yahoo.

He’s a pilot for KLM, and is flying back to SA  tonight.

So we chat, and I wish him a safe flight.

He’s quiet for a while and then sends me a message – so, tell me while I’m waiting…

I ask him what should I tell him?

Next minute this dude starts telling me that I’m not stable, and not to contact him ever again,

Since I have never contacted him, I tell him so, and to get screwed.

He sends back a message, Get the message bitch, no wonder your husband left you, and that he gets screwed many times by decent girls…

What have I ever done to this person?

Ever in my entire life?

Has he lost the plot?

Or is he talking to the wrong person?

Or is he maybe the unstable one?

Good heavens!!

I deleted his details off my yahoo – will not be chatting to him again!!

Men – who the heck knows what the hell is happening in their heads.

I sometimes wonder if they themselves know!!

Anyhow – that was a very kak end to a relatively decent Sunday night.

As Dee would say – a pox on the idiot!!!

I’m off to do a bit of pampering…

Fantasy living…

I watched 2 movies this afternoon.

One I’ve never seen before, the other I’ve watched many times.

The expendables – not quite your normal womanly fare I’d say.

Still, a mostly enjoyable movie.

would have liked to have seen more of Mr Willis, but they made up for it with Mr Stratham – he is very soft on the eye that dude!

Not quite Hugh Jackman or that guy from 300, but still – not a complete waste of time.

Now for the second one.

Van Helsing.

I want to be Anna Valerius.

I want to live a life with meaning.

I want to especially play with Hugh Jackman.

Not the man – the movie character, Gabriel van Helsing.

I do not, however, want to die at the end of the movie.

Maybe after playtime!!

In wich case I would die a happy woman – I think…

Of course in the process of living my fantasy life, a myriad of thoughts were pushing and shoving themselves around in my brain.

Why are we always on the lookout for the romanticism of “love” ?

Why are we always looking for one person to fulfill our needs?

Is it really that bad to try and make it on your own?

Even people that are relatively happy, single, will not have a problem should somebody worthwhile appear on the horison.

And if there are so many people moaning about the fantasy lovers they have on movies and on TV shows and books, not being real  – why is it such big business then?

Why do people like Johanna Lindsay and Janet Evanovich and Penny Jordan, make huge amounts of money – off romantic fantasy?

Is it not because we do, secretly, yearn for just that?

The big strong man that can sweep you off your feet, take away all your woes – whatever they may be – an evil step-brother, or evil step-mom, a war, a bad tavern owner – you name it, HE will take you away from it all…

And in so-doing, you completely miss the real, live person, prepared to do what it takes.

The real man that’s standing there just waiting for you to extend a hand.

Is that not maybe why there’s a thing going around that the nice guy finishes last?

Women just want the macho dudes – because they think that he can fulfill their fantasy better than a normal man…

Still, wouldn’t it be nice?

To live in the fantasy for a bit?

Just a while?


I’m off to have my weekly bath – have to do the nails tonight, while watching yet another movie…

And as always,

Long days and pleasant nights…


Sidey’s weekend thime is Pride.

A most difficult emotion.

One must have it, but not too much.

And therein lies the difficulty.

When is enough pride too much?

Or, for that matter too little?

I have pride.

In my home.

My paid off car.

My lovely old furniture.

My kids.

And then something tells me that it’s not good enough.

That the house is nothing spectacular, neither is the car, nor the furniture.

The kids got where they are by themselves, so how can I have pride in myself for their accomplishments?

In the same way that kids can only blame their parents for a certain amount of time, so can parents only pride themselves in their kids for a limited time.

When it comes to accepting gifts, my pride stops me.

I can not accept from another person something I am not able to do for myself.

And in that, I offend many people.

Because not everybody gives with the idea of getting back.

They give because they can.

And I have to learn to accept – because I can.


Helps you hold your head high when times are tough.

Makes you fall that much harder if you don’t let go of it in time.

The trick is to find the fine line – and carefully tread it…

To finish, I leave you with this…

 Generosity is giving more than you can, and pride is taking less than you need. ~

PS – is there something the matter that I can’t post youtube videos?




Hier is vir jou

‘n Stukkie van my hart.

Jy sal nie verstaan nie,

my taal is nie joune nie.

Met hierdie stukkie

hart van my,

laat ek jou gaan.

want dis tyd.


Ek sien vanaand.

Iemand in Istanbul,

het my blog gelees.

Was dit jy?


As dit was, voel jy seer?

Jammer? Spyt?

Oor wat was.

Maar nooit kon wees nie…


Ek verlang nog na jou.

Jy is nooit ver nie.

met hierdie stukkie hart,

laat ek jou gaan…


Vat die stukkie.

dit sal altyd,

net aan jou behoort.

En solank ek asem haal,

kan ek jou onthou.

en dankbaar wees…

© 68ghia 2011