On things sensored…

Hi there!!!

I’ve been without a connection for most of the day.

Which gave me more than enough time to ponder this particular subject.

This morning, on the way to Bronk, the radiostation played a song that was banned by the SABC in 1982.

Marvin Gaye – Sexual healing.

Cool song, cool artist.

Lyrics could be misconstrued as somewhat leading, yes.

I am however 40 years old, and am quite capable of handling myself in mixed company – meaning, I’m not likely to hump the host’s leg if I hear a sexy song.

Back to my reasoning behind this post.

If you think back to the way things were those days.

Some of it was good, and I will miss them always.

Some not, and those I won’t miss.

Has nothing to do with the “Struggle” though.

But a lot of things were sensored.

From books to movies to live shows – you name it, somebody, somewhere took offense to it.

Almost like they do nowadays, not so?

Just that these days they take offence to using the term God rather than the term sex…

So some things were so offensive to some people, that it was banned by the powers that be.

Not cool.

And you can never keep something like that out of the loop – it finds a way – like water.

That being said.

When last did you listen to almost any mainstream song?

Mostly about sex, not so?

And how, exactly, do you think that influences teenage pregnancies, promiscuity, the prevalence of HIV/AIDS in our society?

Should there not maybe be some kind of thing in place?

That the rappers can’t sing about violence the way they do, or that seriously irritating Kesha song where she finishes a bottle and does not go home until it’s done.

I don’t really know what I’m suggesting – we don’t really want to go back to a time when other people told us what to listen to and what not.

Unfortunately, by the same token, children should not really be listening to things where it’s ok to shoot and kill somebody you don’t like.

Where promiscuous sex is what everybody does.

not only in music – everything these days contain at least some mention of sex, or drinking or killing…

As I said in the beginning of this post.

When I was impressionable, most of these things were kept from me – either by the government of the time, or my parents.

I can handle myself in many situations, and have a relative moral code.

What do today’s kids have?

Other than a complete saturation of all things debauched by the time they reach age 10?

0 comments on “On things sensored…

  1. I think the “Classic” songs were very sexual well not all of them but they were also not in your face about it. I was listening to Practice what you Preach by Barry White, I dont think I could listen to that song with my mom and sing along. Its just wrong

  2. Unfortunately kids are not just left to be kids anymore. When I was 10, playing house, meant playing with a tea set and imaginery friends!

  3. Tricky subject, indeed. I can’t help thinking of the doses of violence I happily romped through as a kid, in cartoons and cowboy movies and so on. No sex, though. However, had there been sex I would have been bored/disgusted. The violence didn’t turn me into an axe-murderer. Being given ‘six-of-the-best’ didn’t tangle up my poor little psychology. I think what is wrong today is that the happy balance is so seldom struck in these matters. Either too much prudery, or too much going just too far.

  4. I left a comment earlier but it disappeared. Just said that I agree with you. I think kids are saturated with all sorts of stuff these days, long before they’re mature enough to process it properly. Sleep well. xx

  5. so agree with you….the kids are growing up too fast….innocence lost. We as parents should do everything in our power to protect our kids against the popular culture prevailing today. Be vigilant who your kids associate with, what they listen to, what they watch, the places they frequent. Do not isolate your child, but insulate them from within with the correct morals, make them feel loved and safe then they will not have a need to find love and security “out there’ in the world. We need God in our lives. Our kids need God. We need to constantly pray for our kids…….all kids. Excellent post Ghia! Hope you are well girl.

  6. Gie!!You’re right there girl!!You keeping the tattoo covered with savlon ointment? Don’t let the scab come off – it will ruin the whole thing!

  7. Thanks for the sleepy wishes AD – I did indeed sleep very well!!As for the poor kids of today – I feel so sorry for them!

  8. Lol,.. It’s okay, I’ll live,..Wish I knew Ghia, but I’ll make you a promise, I’ll buzz you on the day I arrive okay?

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